

2.0 Core Requirements
3.0 Comprehensive Standards
4.0 Federal Requirements



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3.3.1     The institution identifies expected outcomes, assesses the extent to which it achieves these outcomes, and provides evidence of improvement based on analysis of the results in each of the following areas:  (Institutional Effectiveness)
    administrative support services


      Compliance             Partial Compliance         Non-Compliance


Fayetteville Technical Community College (FTCC) is in compliance with this comprehensive standard.  Administrative support planning units are required to develop comprehensive assessment plans to enhance the quality of service-support activities for the academic units of the College. Assessment plans are housed within the WEAVEonline® Assessment Management System.

The strategic planning process of the College also includes a means of assessment in the form of the End-of-Year Report.  This report identifies the specific outcomes of the activities from the previous year’s Strategic Plan.  Any objectives not achieved are evaluated for continuance in the upcoming strategic planning cycle or removed if no longer required.  This End-of-Year Report is included within the annual reports section of each support unit’s assessment plan.

The reporting of assessment findings in the Strategic Plan/End-of-Year Reports and WEAVEonline® allows for checks and balances within the assessment activities, thereby ensuring all administrative support units are providing quality support to the academic units of the College.  FTCC’s comprehensive internal assessment process, covering all administrative support areas, promotes ongoing improvements designed to support students, faculty, and staff of the College.


Administrative Support Services personnel in Facility Services, Print Shop, Public Safety and Security, Management Information Services, and Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment identify expected outcomes for their planning units. These expected outcomes become the basis of a comprehensive assessment plan in the WEAVEonline® Assessment Management System.  Measures and achievement targets are developed, and findings are recorded.  Based on a detailed analysis of the results, improvements and adjustments are implemented.  Action plans are developed to address any target not met. The primary purpose of developing and implementing an assessment plan is to continually evaluate and improve support services to the academic units of the College.

For many years, the evaluation of support units was accomplished by developing an annual end-of-year report to document continuous improvement of the College’s support units.  The process is summarized below.

  1. Each service-support planning unit identifies a unit-specific purpose statement.
  2. Appropriate objectives and activities are listed.
  3. Individuals are assigned to monitor achievement of the objective.
  4. Performance measures and evaluations are recorded.
An analysis is published in the End-of-Year report.

To enhance the assessment process, FTCC recently purchased the WEAVEonline® Assessment Management System and created an assessment website.  Each administrative planning unit must demonstrate assessment by documenting the level of achievement of its expected outcomes in WEAVEonline®, as well as continuing the long-term processes used in the strategic planning process.  The  steps required in developing an Assessment Plan for Administrative Support Units in WEAVEonline® are summarized as follows:

  1. Each administrative unit begins by developing a mission/purpose statement that supports the institution’s Mission Statement.
  2. Representatives from each Administrative Unit meet to identify and agree upon its intended outcomes.
  3. Representatives jointly develop the methodology for measuring the intended outcomes. The outcomes are then linked to the Institutional Priorities or Strategic Plan, as appropriate.
  4. A method for measuring each outcome is established in terms of:
    a. What will be measured?
    b. Why it will be measured?
    c. How the measurement will occur?
    d. When the measurement will occur?
    e. Who will do the measuring?

  5. Rubrics, surveys, or other measuring instruments may be used to ensure adequate data collection of real results directly related to outcome assessment.
  6. An achievement target is established as an indicator of whether the outcome has been achieved.
  7. The measures prescribed within the assessment plan are implemented.
  8. Findings are reported in WEAVEonline® and also in the End-of-Year Report Section of the Strategic Plan.
  9. An action plan is formulated for those outcomes whose achievement targets were not met.  The action plan describes the modification that will be made to meet the achievement target in the subsequent assessment cycle.
  10. The assessment results for the cycle are analyzed against the following criteria:
    a. What were the strengths of the assessment process?
    b. What were the weaknesses of the assessment process?
    c. What was learned as a result of the assessment process?
    d. How will what was learned impact the direction and emphasis of the academic or support unit?

  11. Based on this action planning and analysis, new outcomes/strategic planning objectives are formulated and a new assessment plan is developed.
  12. The process is repeated for subsequent cycles.

FTCC has a strong culture in the area of assessment.  This is shown by the implementation and use of assessment plans at all levels of the institution including the President’s office.   The assessments are updated at the end of each academic year, findings are evaluated, action plans are developed, and future enhancements are included in the College’s Strategic Plan as a new assessment year begins for the upcoming academic year.

Supporting Documentation

# Source Location
1 Assessment Website

2 Assessment Plan for Administrative
Support Units

3 Mission/Purpose Statement

4 Intended Outcomes

5 Measuring

6 Measuring Instruments - Rubrics

7 Measuring Instruments - Surveys

8 Achievement Target

9 Measures

9 Findings

10 Action Plan

11 Analyzed

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